Just Stop the Killing


A Black man in the Bayview, his plea so clear,
"Just stop the killing, let's end this fear."
His words echo through my heart and soul,
A call to action, a tale untold.

In the city of dreams, where nightmares roam,
Black lives are lost, far from home.
Guns and violence, a daily plight,
Stealing joy, extinguishing light.

But the Black man's plea ignites a flame,
A spark of hope, a renewed refrain.
"Just stop the killing," he cries aloud,
A message of love, piercing the cloud.

Let's heed his call, let's unite as one,
To end the violence, beneath the sun.
Let's build a community, strong and true,
Where peace and harmony forever accrue.

For every Black life lost, a wound so deep,
A scar on our hearts, we can't keep.
Let's stand together, hand in hand,
And build a future, where all can stand.

So let's stop the killing, and start anew,
Create a world, where all dreams are true.
Let's honor the Black man's plea,
And make his vision, reality.

Can anyone guess who this guy is?