Eat the Rich?

In a world of disparities, where fortunes divide,
The cry of "Eat the rich" echoes far and wide.
But pause, dear comrade, and let empathy guide,
For wealth often hides a soul that's deeply inside.

Consider the burdens of those who amass,
The weight of possessions, the fear of loss's grasp.
Their opulent mansions, a gilded cage,
Where loneliness lingers, a constant stage.

Private jets whisk them to distant lands,
Yet their hearts remain tethered, bound by worldly demands.
Divorcees grapple with love's bitter sting,
Child custody battles, where emotions take wing.

In the end, they too face mortality's call,
Six feet under, where riches avail naught at all.
So let compassion soften our fiery rage,
For beneath the surface, there's a human cage.

Instead of devouring, let's seek to mend,
To bridge the divide, where kindness can transcend.
For wealth is but a fleeting, material guise,
While empathy's touch can truly suffice.