Kamala Harris in 2024?

Kamala Devi Harris (b. 1964)  interesting option to be the first WoMen President of the USofA.  Kamala for President?  website. … not voting for you (or for Trump for that matter … and am definatly not a Trumper).  But it is Pathetic sending me 2 emails a week asking for $$$ donations while you are taking over Biden’s 90+ million$ war chest. 

And you need to come with better slogans than “restoring Democracy”.  Hope you have an idea about US taxpayer support for Israeli genocide in Gaza – the World is watching. 

“There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking,” Harris told a climate activist during a 2019 CNN town hall. (Link)

Also about a women’s right to control her body and abort a child she does not want to give birth to … Where do you stand in this, Ms. Harris?

The Demos Party was party of the KKK in the South and machine politics in Chicago – and continues to get support from teachers unions that seem less interested in teaching kids how to read/write/ or even think for themselves or even apreciate history/literature or even geography. 

Actor and comedian Jack Black, who appeared at Biden’s Hollywood fundraiser, and comedian Kyle Gass comprise the rock duo.  Black brought a birthday cake onstage for Gass and asked him to make a wish.  Gass coldly said, “Don’t miss Trump next time.”   bold statement about Donald Trumpmedia/Hollywood is getting nasty.  Stay tuned for the election in November.  I am voting for None of the Above.  So much for USA democracy.  But Kamala, you have got to come  up with a better slogan than, “restoring Democracy”.  And Please stop sending me 2-3 emails a week asking for money.

Kamala – a question for you – are you being backed by George Soros?  And why do you want the Job of President?  But have to admit that I like the idea of there being a “First Man” in the White house.

Democracy in the USA?  I am voting for “None of the Above” in November.



Interesting site in the city …

Old Mission Police Station


When it was a station, 1890s-1950

In 1897, the Chief of Police argued for building new police stations for San Francisco. His opinion on the existing 17th Street Station was scorching: “this station is without proper accommodations, badly lighted, in a wretched condition, so far as draining and plumbing are concerned, a condition of things which is the natural outcome of the use of an old, small and dilapidated building.” He goes on to ask for proper funding to build a “substantial” and “fire-proof” station nearby, noting the everpresent risk of riotous mobs.

The fallen turret after the 1906 earthquake. (From a 1994 survey of the building as a historical resource.)

This seems to have worked! A few years later, the Mission got a new police station in the Romanesque Revival style of the time. A historical resources survey says “Built in 1899, the two-story concrete police station was designed by the firm of Shea & Shea. Damaged in 1906, the police station was repaired – minus its original corner turret – and placed back into service. It remained in service as the Southern District station until 1950 when the SFPD moved to a new district headquarters at 1240 Valencia Street.” (It later moved to its current location at 630 Valencia Street.)

The police department says it was built in 1902, and the city’s building records say it was built in 1903. According to this survey of the building, the story is that it was built from 1899-1900 and then completed in 1902.

A photo of it from 1924:

Credit toUC Berkeley, Bancroft Library


Israel & Gaza


In Gaza, Playing “the Beautiful Game” Amidst Slaughter

By Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan

Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders are still for Biden … the Guy that wants $19 billion of US taxpayer dollars for What is the World coming to?  Boeing supplied bombs killing humans at US taxpayer expense? Where is Biden in all of this? Genocide supported by US taxpayers dollars?

Is Netanyahu a want a be Hitler?  Killing/starving to death 2 million Arab humans in Gaza for the Zionist Project in Gaza.

Zionism is an ethnic or ethno-cultural nationalist movement that emerged in Europe in the late 19th century and aimed for the establishment of a Jewish state through the colonization of a land outside of Europe …

It is important to remember that not all Jewish people in Israel support Netanyahu and his campaign of genocide/mass killing in Gaza. And to dare to criticize Netanyahu and be called anti-Semitic?  What is the World coming to? 1984? Is Netanyahu a want-a-be Hitler?  With bombs/planes paid for by US taxpayers.

Just some comments from an old Bob in San Francisco.


USA Presidents

Abraham Lincoln could give a speech without a Teleprompter.   Our current President does not seem up to the task.  Is Dr. Jill and Hunter (trusted son/advisor and convicted felon) propping him up?  One wonders who are the puppet masters running the show who stand to loose their jobs/Power if he stumbles at the polls in November.  Kamala Harris is certainly not ready for prime time.  But getting 3 letters a week asking for campaign contributions – give me a break  – I am not even registered as a Democrat.  At least they are contributing to the coffers of the United States Postal Service.

Mohammed Abu Hashem Spent 22 Years in U.S. Air Force. He Quit After Israel Killed His Aunt in Gaza – an article at Democracy Now.  Biden?  Is he all there?

Trump Trashes Biden while welcoming Kamala Harris  … Eagle News July 9, 2024

Donors and even the NY Times are suggesting that for the good of the country Biden should go out to pasture. The guy is clearly not up to another 4 years – and why at his age does he want a day Job anyway?  Are wife Dr. Jill and his convicted felon son Hunter Biden really running the show?  They cannot even stop Netanyahu’s genocide in Gaza – and Biden wants another 18 billion in US taxpayer dollars$ to go to “defense” contractors that Eisenhower warned us about to support the bipartisan Zionist genocide in Gaza.  Xi Jinping must be amused … at the collapse of “Democracy” in the USofA.  Give me a break … does not even pass the smell test.

Dr. Jill and son Hunter are his chief supportors not to mention the pupput masters who stand to loose if he gets Trumped in November.

Then there is Obama – the 1/2 Black 1/2 White guy in the oval office that committed 100,000 US troops to Afghanistan … How did that work out, Mr. Obama as commander in Chief?  At least you got a 20 mil$ book contract and are comfortable in your house in a “good” neighborhood in Washington DC.  Never sent your kids to government schools.

George W Bush … what happened to him?  Hear that he is doing paintings of the soldiers that died on his watch in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Al Gore … the want a be President and inventor of the Internetstill searching for data on his carbon footprint.

Bill Clinton?  Still looking for video of him on Epstein’s island. The “I never had sex with that Lady” kid.  And Hillary?  At least we were spared having her as the 1st Women President – not the best representative of her gender in my not so humble opinion

Trump … never Trump a Trumpster … a want-to-be Dictator competing with a guy obviously past his sell by datehear that he still wants the Job.  What is the “Free” World coming to?  And they call this democracy – the choice between Biden and Trump?  

Xi Jinping  of China must be amused watching the “Democratic” circus play out in the USofA.

The Future will be what the Future will be … big money and Politics … The Crips and Bloods all legal under the constitution of the USofA.  And the Demos are all after the Supreme court.  Did not get their guys/gals in.  Get a life and enjoy your Fucking drinks, fancy watches and good food while the rest of the folks in the USofA (legal and illegal) are swamped by credit card debt and student loans.  I say let them all eat cake.  But have to Thank American Express for the $25K working European Vacation a few years back. 

Just some thoughts from an old Bob in the Bayview of San Francisco.

Back from LA

To celebrate my g-friend’s 70th B-day.  Took the train from SF to LA and back.  Interesting what you see of California by train.  Lots of RV’s, mobile home parks and agricultural fields.  Also  apartments and apartment construction.  … but it is a 10 hour ride on Amtrak … great way to see California between SF and LA … totally recommend if you have the time.

In LA, recommend the Broad and the Getty.  Both art museums are of the highest quality and are Free.  As well as MOCA … also with free entry.  But there are a lot more in LA.

Stayed at the Biltmore downtown.  100 year old hotel that hosted the first Oscars.  Classic Place.  They were even filming the upcoming Forever series on Netflix while we were there.   Classic Last Bookstore nearby.  Even have a Whole Foods close by.

Good trip, Hope you had a good B-day Leslie.


The Race for Mayor of San Francisco

Peskin is my curent pick – he responds to email in the tradition of former mayor Willie Brown.  London Breed, Daniel Lurie and Ahsha Safaí are lower in my Book – do not respond to email or USPS mail.  Is it incompetent Staff? Or What? … Why do they want the job of Mayor of San Francisco?  Breed did a good job speaking at Gratta/winery/deli on 3rd St (5/22/2024) – but she did not give a clear answer about building apartments on 3rd St without parking and did not even know that the MUNI T line bridge has a planned 2 year closure. And she wants another 4 years.  And she does not respond to letters sent to her office. Not sure what is going on with her or why she wants the Job of mayor of San Francisco – Willie Brown responded to letters sent to him while mayor.  Seems not up to the challenge – and low on my list.

Daniel Lurie for Mayor
PO Box 411136
San Francisco, CA 94141

Mr. Lurie … one question for you, Why do you want the Job of Mayor of San Francisco?

The World …

Interesting article at foreignaffairs.com  Sleepwalking Toward War – Will America and China Heed the Warnings of Twentieth-Century Catastrophe?

General Dynamics and Death
Is this what it is about? General Dynamics making money off of killing people?

From Democracy Now … The Night Won’t End”: New Film Investigates Civilian Killings in Gaza and U.S. Backing of Israeli Assault

The Israel/Gaza bombing/starvation is a sad story … Netanyahu is obviously a war criminal.  Even the NYTimes had a story yesterday (6/13/2024) about an academic in Israel being fired and detained for calling it genocide. 37,000+ killed under his “leadership”  – mostly women and children.  What is wrong with this man that promotes Zionism without regard for human life?  Greater Israel?   Is it just about Land?  The hair of a Jew is worth 1 million Arab Lives?  Biden are you still alive or all do you care about is your Hunter Biden son?  Or is about getting campaign contributions from the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warred us about?  And do not get me started about Trump – and we call this a democracy in the USA?

Netanyahu.  Are you happy killing over 37,000 women and children in Gaza?  … you are an the director of a mass murder/genocide.  My suggestion is to end your life as Hitler did.   Hope you rot in Hell for all eternity for what you have done to real human beings in Gaza.  Even Jewish humans in Israel are appalled by you behavior.  My advice:  Kill yourself now before you keep on killing more people.

Giant anti-government protest rally grips Tel Aviv … BBC,

And to Netanyahu (b. 21 October 1949, 3 kids) … 36,000+ women and kids killed by his genocide party all at US taxpayer expense … hope you rot in Hell for all eternity Mr. Netanyahu.  You are clearly a genocidal war criminal.  And you want to starve to death the remaining 2 million Palestinians in Gaza just for more beachfront Land for the expansion of Israel?  Hope they bury you in an unmarked grave … the despicable human being that you are and a disgrace to the Jewish tradition. The Butchery  Is Netanyahu a war criminal as charged? The Dangers of an Ungovernable Gaza  Without Basic Postwar Stability, “the Day After” Might Never Arrive By Dana Stroul May 20, 2024.  Is Zionism is past its prime?  Or does does it still control USA Politics/World Banking System and the elite Universities?

Inside Israel’s deadly operation to rescue four hostages,  and kill 270 Palestinians … article by Allegra Goodwin and Gianluca Mezzofiore, CNN foreignaffairs.com)  Is Zionism the same as Jewish culture?  Is the hair of a Jew worth 1 million Arab lives? 

And to Biden … stop sending me 2 letters a week asking for campaign contributions – can’t you get money from your Hunter Biden son?  Hope he does jail time for the gun/tax laws he broke … And asking US taxpayers to pay for $18 billion dollars to fund Netanyahu’s genocide in Gaza – give me a break.  Perhaps it has something to do with getting campaign contributions from the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about.  All beyond my pay grade.  What is going on with the guy?  Joe Biden can’t even stay on script during a choreographed press conference

Biden is obviously complicit in genocide in Gaza … Netanyahu has clearly got him by the balls.  Perhaps it is all about getting campaign contributions from defense contractors and support from the Jewish lobby (AIPAC).

And then there is the issue of Biden’s son, Hunter … now a convicted Felon – a first for a sitting president.  $50K/month from a Ukrainian oil company while father is VP with the Ukrainian account?  No law against … but certainly does not pass the smell test.  Why did he even need a gun in the first place?  And raising 30 mil from elites in Hollywood?  All with the help from Obama?  What is going on?   

There there is is issue of the Prime minister of India,  Narendra Modi (b. 9. 17, 1950 (age 73 years) (website) who seems to  want to return India into a Hindi nation with no English speakers or Muslims or other ethnic groups.  Is that a good idea, Mr. Modi?

What is the World coming to?

Update 7/5/2024

Will Walmart Make it right?

Woman Butchered to Death Inside Walmart Superstore as Witnesses Watched

Is this what Walmart has become?   And my only problem was trying to return a $200 Product.  Are you listening Mr. John Furner  President and CEO, Walmart U.S?  or just enjoying your millions?

Reciently ordered a pad from Walmart Online.  Tried to return … wanted me to drive to San Leandro to take it back.  Chat was a failure. I am sticking to amazon.com

Recent experience with Walmart online customer service.   Tried to get help with sending back a product which I ordered.  The only answer I got was I would have to drive to San Leandro to return.  Said they would transfer chat – 0 wait time …. Never happened.

Walmart  702 SW 8th St  Bentonville AK 72716


John Furner  President and CEO, Walmart U.S.     $15,363,015/year

Suresh Kumar  Global Chief Technology and Development Officer         $14,492,269/year

Until I get a reply … I advise not doing business with the company.

No far no reply  from Walmart . or their high paid execs or assistants.  

And I am still left with a $200 pad that is unusable AND THEY REFUSE TO  OFFER REASONABLE RETURN OPTIONS.  Fuck Walmart.


From Google AI …

This article is about a customer’s negative experience with Walmart’s online customer service and return policy. The customer tried to return a $200 pad that they ordered online, but Walmart would only accept the return if the customer drove it to a store in San Leandro. The customer was not happy with this option and feels that Walmart is not an ethical or responsive company.

The article also mentions a recent news story about a woman who was butchered to death inside a Walmart Superstore. The customer is using this story to highlight the problems with Walmart.

Overall, the article is a negative review of Walmart’s customer service and return policy. The customer is urging others to boycott Walmart and to do business with Amazon instead.

Here are some key points from the article:

  • The customer tried to return a $200 pad that they ordered online.
  • Walmart would only accept the return if the customer drove it to a store in San Leandro.
  • The customer was not happy with this option.
  • The customer feels that Walmart is not an ethical or responsive company.
  • The customer is urging others to boycott Walmart and to do business with Amazon instead.

Obama #44

Barack Obama44th president of the United States began with his first inauguration on January 20, 2009, and ended on January 20, 2017 (Source: Wicipedia.org)  Obama is the first African American president – only 1/2 Black and 1/2 Irish raised by Irish parents and Grandparents.  US media gets this wrong … Why?  Great campainer  … but his legacy as President no.44?  100,000 troups sent to

Afghanistan – how did that work out Mr. Commander in Chief? 

My guess is that the NSS said to him when he took office, we will brief you at 11am every morning and give you a list of options … and remember Kennedy.  We are running the show here.

What do you think Mr. Barack Obama? 

Mailing address for Barack Obama:

Office of Barack and Michelle Obama
P.O. Box 91000
Washington, DC 20066.

SFMTA made a mess on Valencia St.

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency made a real mess on Valencia St (cost?) … article at sfgate … What were they thinking and why did they do it?  Who is responsible?

I certainly avoid the street.  Is the SF Bicycle Coalition somehow responsile for this mess?  If so, I would not give a dime to them.

But the SFMTA did a great job on Williams West of 3rd St – increased parking and thank God they did not do a bike lane.  Apreciate good work on that project.

So far have recieved no response for either the SF Bike Coalition or the SFMTA – 4/17/2024  Letters have been sent to both.

Contact info:

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency

Tilly Chang Executive Director 415-522-4832


San Francisco County Transportation Authority
1455 Market Street  22nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103