Biden vs. Trump

This is Democracy in action.

We have the choice between a current President who clearly is out of his prime and cannot even make coherent sentences and can only read a teleprompter of prepared speeches.  Certainly not a Lincoln who had no teleprompter.  So, who are the puppet masters behind this guy that stand to lose their power if he fails? Is Dr. Jill Biden somehow part of the puzzle?  Hell, Netanyahu has Biden by the balls and Biden still wants give the Zionists in Israel 16 billion dollars of US taxpayer dollars to keep up Netanyahu’s genocide program in Gaza.  Is this just about getting campaign contributions from the Military Industrial complex?

Then there is Trump … a want-a-be Dictator.

What a choice?  Is this what Democracy about.  A choice between senile or Dictatorship?

Xi Jinping must be amused … and you say your system is superior to ours?

Just some thoughts … 2 days before the 4th of July.