To the New York Times: Deliver your paper on time to your paying subscribers and do not make us wait on hold for 2 hours to report a missing paper. By the way, your writer, Jessica Grose is amazing. The publisher of The New York Times is A. G. Sulzberger, and the company’s headquarters and mailing address is 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10018.
To the New Yorker: Your New York arrogance is astound even though you have class and good cartoons. Happy B-Day at 100.
To: Jeff Bezos and the Washington Post: Good move that you stoped endorsing candidates for public office. Not sure what Life is like in your World, Jeff … but amazon sure delivers. Best of luck to and the Washington Post.
As for the rest of those those still employed and working in the print media world … times are a changing so time to adapt … best wishes in the New Year of the Tiger (or is it the snake?).