Adam Schiff?

Adam Schiff (D-CA) is allergic to telling the truth.  He’s not used to the media pushing back against outlandish claims.  And Adam Schiff turned red with rage when a CNN host confronted him over this big lie.  The story … Bad news about him.

Andy Grove RIP


Andrew Stephen Grove (born András István Gróf; 2 September 1936 – 21 March 2016) was a Hungarian-American businessman and engineer who served as the third CEO of Intel Corporation. He escaped from the Hungarian People’s Republic during the 1956 revolution at the age of 20 and moved to the United States, where he finished his education. He was the third employee and eventual third CEO of Intel, transforming the company into the world’s largest semiconductor company.

As a result of his work at Intel, along with his books and professional articles, Grove had a considerable influence on electronics manufacturing industries worldwide. He has been called the “guy who drove the growth phase” of Silicon Valley. In 1997, Time magazine chose him as “Man of the Year”, for being “the person most responsible for the amazing growth in the power and the innovative potential of microchips.” One source notes that by his accomplishments at Intel alone, he “merits a place alongside the great business leaders of the 20th century.” (source:  – 3/20/2024)

Died age 79 … cause of death was not publicly disclosed.

Spouse Eva Kastan (1958–death) 2 kids

RIP Andy Grove – Sincerly Bob

(Full disclosure – worked as an employee of Intel – management by objective was crap, as well as the 50 hour workweek.  I had the AT&T account – the guy accross the hall had the IBM account.  The folks at HR were so incopetent that they did not even have the copetence stop my auto deposit paychecks when I was let go for my own incopetence at the job – and then Intel lawyers had to sue me to get the money back, which they got back in full … history is what it is.  Intel in the 80s. )

The 3rd Man

Watching tonight … The Third Man

Amazing what Hollywood created in 1949.  And here in the Bayview a few blocks away from Little Hollywood.  Tales of the City … if only the houses could talk and reveal thier history.  Our place in the Bayview was built in 1907.  The Cox’s lived there once … name still on the door.  Never met them.  My sense is that we only live once and we cannot take it with us.  So as my x roomate used to say,  let’s toast to fun, Love and money while we are still alive.  And thinking of the folks in Gaza … it must be Hell there right now.

Over and out, Bob in the Bayview of San Francisco.

Issues with the SF SPCA

My Latest beef is with with the San Francisco SPCA.  Acording to their 2021 990 filing the COO, Howard Chi makes 424K per year.  When a friend of mine took a pet dog in and was assured that there would be no charge for an evaluation, but was asked for $200 and quoted a fee of $5000 for an operation without any xrays or anything.   They even told him that even in an emergency they will never take care of his pets again.  Pretty pathetic from a 501c3 org.   Perhaps they need to be reported to the IRS.  Seems like they are running a con game.  My advice, avoid the place and certainly DO NOT leave any money to them in a will or Trust.  Fancy offices but seem to have lost their mission.

Will see if they reply and will keep posted … others free to make comments about their expierences with SFSPCA.  No reply as of 4/17/2024

San Francisco SPCA
201 Alabama Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

Zuckerberg and SF General

Memo to: Mr. Zuckerber re San Francisco General Hospital

I see that you still have the Zuckaberger name still on the place.  Have you thought about giving some of your millions/bizilions to hospitals in Gaza?  (probably would only be bombed by Netanyahu forces anyway with US taxpayer supplied bombs).  Do you even bother to pay taxes Mr. Zuckaberger?

Glad you are out of San Francisco … and neighbors are probably too with your security detail taking up a lot of neighborhood parking in the Mission.  I know this post would be quickly removed from websites that you control – thank God there still is a part of the web that you do not control.

Wonder what your life is like with all your bizilions of dollars.  Curious your carbon footprint.  Do you even know how many houses you even own?  Do you worry that the help is stealing the silverware?

Do you respond to USPS mail at:

Mark Zuckerberg
c/o Facebook Inc.
1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, 94025 CA
United States of America

Will give it a try and report back

Bob 3/10/2024

Mayor London Breed

Mayor London Breed …. SF mayor’s brother seeks early release from 44-year prison sentence for murder, robbery … San Francisco Mayor London Breed has been pushing for her brother to be released early from prison sentence for involuntary manslaughter, robbery and carjacking.   Mayor Breed’s brother, Napoleon Brown, has served half of his 44-year sentence (only 22 years for murder, robbery, and carjacking?), and now his attorney, Marc Zilversmit, believes Brown should be released … go figure … and she wants to be reelected mayor – when she cannot even reply to letters sent to her office or take responsibility for mail in ballots not sent out.  

San Francisco commissioner resigns after city says she OK’d nonprofit’s fake invoices  London Breed appointee Susan Murphy resigned in the wake of a city attorney investigation into the troubled nonprofit.  Still awaiting a reply MS. Breed/staff – no reply to letters sent to her office.  Willie brown always replied to letters sent to him.  I vote NO ON BREED unless she and her staff step up to the plate.  Continue to support Shamann Waltonhas a responsive staff and seems interested in supporting residents of District 10.

Anyone else had correspondence with the women?

Her USPS mailing address is:

Mayor London Breed 
City Hall 
1 Dr Carlton B. Goodlett Place Room 200  
San Francisco, CA 94102

Adam Schiff

Heard Adam Schiff tonight on NPR .  Obviously a supporter of the genicidal campain of Netanyahu and the zionist govenment of Isreal to kill/starve to death all 2 million human being in the Gaza area and populate it with Jewish “Settlers”.   Sad state of affairs – over 30K killed using US taxpayer supplied bombs.  But in my opinion Mr. Schiff you and Netanyahu need a VIP pass straight to Hell and eternal damnation.

Memo to George Soros

What a bio …

György Schwartz[1][2]

August 12, 1930 (age 93)

Citizenship Hungary
United States[3]
Education London School of Economics (BScMSc)
Occupation(s) Investor, hedge fund manager, author, philanthropist
Known for
  • Annaliese Witschak (m. 1960; div. 1983)
Children 5, including RobertJonathan and Alexander


Anyway, how is it going in Life Mr. George Soros?  made big bucks, 5 kids spent lots of cash to elect atterney generals that let crimanals go free.  What will be your leagacy?  when you eventually croak as we all will some day.  I don’t know you in person but leave it to the historians to sort out you legacy …. I am sure that there will be PHD theses written about this.  My feeling as just a Bob in the Bayview of San Francisco is that you may have had good intentions – but the criminials you have caused to go free – and actually killed folks.  I am not as rich as you and realize that it is only up to you to evaluate your life,  What say you Mr.  György Schwartz? … curious what you have to say to an old Bob in the Bayview of San Francisco? 


Genocide Case Against Israel

Genocide Case Against Israel – New Youk Times today

South Africa on Thursday made its case that Israel is acting with “genocidal intent” in Gaza, citing as evidence the words of Israeli officials including Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who said Israel would impose a complete siege on the territory because it was fighting “human animals.”

The case that South Africa has brought at the International Court of Justice at The Hague accuses Israel of actions in Gaza that are “genocidal in character.” More than 23,000 people have died, according to the Gazan health ministry, since Israel launched airstrikes and a ground invasion in response to Hamas’s terrorist attacks on Oct. 7, which Israel says killed about 1,200 people.

Israel’s military insists that it is prosecuting the war against Hamas in Gaza in line with international law. The death toll in Gaza, Israeli officials say, is attributable in part to the use by Hamas of residential areas and civilian structures, including schools and hospitals, to launch attacks, store weapons and hide fighters.