USA Presidents

Abraham Lincoln could give a speech without a Teleprompter.   Our current President does not seem up to the task.  Is Dr. Jill and Hunter (trusted son/advisor and convicted felon) propping him up?  One wonders who are the puppet masters running the show who stand to loose their jobs/Power if he stumbles at the polls in November.  Kamala Harris is certainly not ready for prime time.  But getting 3 letters a week asking for campaign contributions – give me a break  – I am not even registered as a Democrat.  At least they are contributing to the coffers of the United States Postal Service.

Mohammed Abu Hashem Spent 22 Years in U.S. Air Force. He Quit After Israel Killed His Aunt in Gaza – an article at Democracy Now.  Biden?  Is he all there?

Trump Trashes Biden while welcoming Kamala Harris  … Eagle News July 9, 2024

Donors and even the NY Times are suggesting that for the good of the country Biden should go out to pasture. The guy is clearly not up to another 4 years – and why at his age does he want a day Job anyway?  Are wife Dr. Jill and his convicted felon son Hunter Biden really running the show?  They cannot even stop Netanyahu’s genocide in Gaza – and Biden wants another 18 billion in US taxpayer dollars$ to go to “defense” contractors that Eisenhower warned us about to support the bipartisan Zionist genocide in Gaza.  Xi Jinping must be amused … at the collapse of “Democracy” in the USofA.  Give me a break … does not even pass the smell test.

Dr. Jill and son Hunter are his chief supportors not to mention the pupput masters who stand to loose if he gets Trumped in November.

Then there is Obama – the 1/2 Black 1/2 White guy in the oval office that committed 100,000 US troops to Afghanistan … How did that work out, Mr. Obama as commander in Chief?  At least you got a 20 mil$ book contract and are comfortable in your house in a “good” neighborhood in Washington DC.  Never sent your kids to government schools.

George W Bush … what happened to him?  Hear that he is doing paintings of the soldiers that died on his watch in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Al Gore … the want a be President and inventor of the Internetstill searching for data on his carbon footprint.

Bill Clinton?  Still looking for video of him on Epstein’s island. The “I never had sex with that Lady” kid.  And Hillary?  At least we were spared having her as the 1st Women President – not the best representative of her gender in my not so humble opinion

Trump … never Trump a Trumpster … a want-to-be Dictator competing with a guy obviously past his sell by datehear that he still wants the Job.  What is the “Free” World coming to?  And they call this democracy – the choice between Biden and Trump?  

Xi Jinping  of China must be amused watching the “Democratic” circus play out in the USofA.

The Future will be what the Future will be … big money and Politics … The Crips and Bloods all legal under the constitution of the USofA.  And the Demos are all after the Supreme court.  Did not get their guys/gals in.  Get a life and enjoy your Fucking drinks, fancy watches and good food while the rest of the folks in the USofA (legal and illegal) are swamped by credit card debt and student loans.  I say let them all eat cake.  But have to Thank American Express for the $25K working European Vacation a few years back. 

Just some thoughts from an old Bob in the Bayview of San Francisco.